Lonely Painter

“It’s not fair” she said with a sad ache in her heart 

A lot of the time it felt like 

her world was falling apart 

she had been called names 

since she was small 

and often felt like 

no one cared at all.

Inhaling the emotions 

and energies 

of those around her 

has always been a 


Outbursts of anger 

would often occur 

from all the unhappiness

of others that consumed her

Her soul of

purity and positivity 

can be hard to darken 

but often others choke her 

with their problems 

unaware of the powers she posses 

she can’t just 

“get over it”


“move on”

after such an attack 

the pain takes over 

for as long as it must 

until she pushes it 

so far that she has to run

being this way 

isn’t always fun 

If you understood 

which you most likely won’t 

You’d see a beauty in her 

other people don’t 




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