You know 

I guess you could say I’m a selfish giver 

I’ll give you love even if your a flawed asshole 

I’ll treat you with kindness even if you throw the word “bitch” in my face 

I’ll respect you no matter what and put you first 

that is what makes me selfish 

I give people what they need 

and I don’t expect a damn thing back

 Like everyone 

I have found myself wandering 

I’ve made more then enough mistakes 

and I’ll most likely make more 

but this is just me 

I have a lot of love and respect for myself 

but I care more about other people 

I’ve had time and time again 

to be in love with me first 

and yeah, I still am 

I have my up days 

and my down days 

I have days where I laugh so much I cry 

I have days when sometimes the only thing I feel like I should be doing is running 

and I have had thousands of days where all I think to myself is 

“why the hell am I the only me on this planet?” 

“Where is that one person who is gonna be kick-ass enough to help me out so that I don’t feel like I’m not human?”

“Why am I alone?” 

“Why do I make people leave?”

“Why do I cry tears from the ocean and not human tears?”

“Why do I feel crazy whenever I’m enraged?”

“Mother Nature, Why did you make me this way?”

the last one

is the one that I’ve asked the most 

You know 

I don’t know if I’m ever going to get what I want 

I’m not sure if anyone is brave enough to give it to me 

or maybe even has a heart big enough to just accept me 

and try to understand what its like to be someone like me 

and all my uniqueness 

maybe I’m just not meant to have it 

maybe “alone” 

is where I’m suppose to belong?

I don’t know 

hell if my dog was still alive she would help me out 

she and I had a deep connection 

both beaten somehow and escaped

she was my best friend

and she knew it too.

she stayed too she never left

even on her death bed she wouldn’t let go of me

even after I told her

“You can go Bella, sweetie, you can go be free of your pain”

I’m not going to lie

in fact I never do


I’ve often when in great pain

have wished for death

and all the time

I get a

“Zoe, it’s not your time to leave this earth”

As a kid

I had a bunch of tests done on me

IQ tests

ADHD tests

I was looked at for having depression

all these stupid things that I don’t have

and I don’t talk about this much

but I was born with a hole in my heart

surgery done when I was two

could that be the reason I am so completely not average?


I was just born this way

I was born to see and hear things average humans do not

I was born to feel more then the average human

you know what finally happened to me today

after 10 years of no acceptance, love shown or support from my father?

I have his acceptance, he is proud of me 

and he hugged me today for the longest time 

my Daddy hugged me 

I’m still not ready 

to trust him entirely 

but I’m going to have to do that 

I don’t need any man to make me happy 

even though falling in love would be glorious 

and knowing how much I’m cared for 

and getting those compliments 

and going on adventures 

and sharing dozen’s of kisses 

that would be great 

and I am ready for it now 

completely ready 

but I miss my best friend 

and I don’t know how long its going to take me to get over her passing 

maybe a few weeks?

yeah, that sounds about right 

and my heart is healing 

at just the right pace. 

Today even though the weather was crappy 

and I had my glasses on and I had been feeling not-so-good

all day 

I still feel pretty and beautiful 

I’ve felt that way before many many times 

but not like this 

for the first time in a long time 

I recognized that fucking sexy face of mine 

and after that 

I know now that I always will 

no matter what mood I’m in 

and I don’t need makeup 

I don’t need much 

I don’t even wear 

eyeliner anymore 

just lipstick and I’m done 

I think every woman should feel like that 

I have lost a lot 

this past year 

and I’m sure a lot of you have too

but I want you to know something 

never give up on your dreams and your talents 

no matter how cheesy that sounds 

you can do anything 

I promise you 

if you can’t do it the first time 

try try again 

that’s what Taylor Swift is doing 

and I don’t regret saying that I’ve been doing the same 

“he’s the one” 

“no, he’s the one”

Honestly I think whoever he is 

he wont know it 

and I wont know it 

he wont be who I expect and I wont be who he expects 

but something about me 

is going to make him realize that 

maybe he doesn’t need anyone else 

because loosing me would break more then his heart 

it would break his soul 

there is no “one” 

or a “prince charming”

that person that stays with you 

chooses that path 

and it’s your choice wither 

you end up taking a chance on them. 

I do wish that I knew that two people could be happy forever 

but forever isn’t the right word for anything 

forever fucks things up 


now that’s a word that means more 

but putting them together never works 

so I choose “Always” 

by itself 

You wanna stay then I hope that you stay always 

forgive my nerdness 

but if your a Harry Potter Fan 

and you’ve read the books 

watched all the movies 

you will understand the symbolism behind 


that book may not be reality to some people 

and it may be reality to others 

but it still has meaning 

it shows how 


always stays 

and fools always go