I Think I’m Starting Over.

I think being a princess is overrated 

I think woman still don’t have enough rights 

I think men who think they know everything don’t know a damn thing at all

I think that snow can be a pain the ass unless you play in it 

as in making a snow man 

I think I’ve changed 

I think outbursts wont happen anymore 

since I’ve learned to control them 

I think I’ve started to really stick up for myself 

I think 

even though 

I’ve been bitter towards love recently 

I’m giving up at that attitude towards it 

and even though 

I don’t have much hope 

it’s really stupid to not think 

someone is out there for me 

who will love me 

or someone is already in my life 

its just a matter of time 

but I don’t need a boyfriend 

or anything like that 

I don’t 

you can call me selfish all you want 

for being independent 

but I’m telling you right now 

that is just fucked up to say anything that like 

I’m not selfish for providing and working hard for myself 

I don’t always have to think about other people 

I’ve been thinking about other people since I was seven years old 

do you have any idea how many years that is until now? 

that is 


of thinking about OTHERS 

and not doing the thing that was best for me 

which is thinking about me 

and getting shit done 

and for gods sake getting rid of those emotional outbursts 

that hurt so many people around me 

but above all hurt me 

I’m fucking done hurting myself 

and I’m done with just giving people what they want from me 

none of that is allowed to happen

I shouldn’t even be talking about the outbursts because it’s in the past 

and I’m starting over