A Shot of Espresso & Some Chai

Why the fuck do I do this? I over-think and over-think and over-think. 

I like you okay, I like you! there! 

Ugh so many questions going through my head and this is the price I get for being a girl, shit.. 

My music isn’t helping either. 

Gosh, what happens if you don’t like me? what do I do then? 

your so much more amazing then I thought. 

I’ll admit I’m a bit disappointed that our date had to end but hey there’s always time for one more. I hope you ask me out again. 

It really does feel like my past is behind me. For real this time. 

You really make me happy you know? 

I can’t tell you how badly I wanted to kiss you in the coffee shop. 

haha, you were so nervous, I could tell. I think you talked more then I did. I like that. 

I wish I knew how you felt about me. Maybe sometime soon I’ll find out. I hope to find out soon. 

You said what you always do “I’ll text you sometime”


you walk out of there so fast though.. 

I guess that was the panic of homework that needed to be finished. 

I sure as hell hope it wasn’t because of me 

I didn’t make you too nervous did I? 

I sure hope I didn’t. 

PLEASE, let me see you again. 
