You’ll Be The Prince & I’ll Be The Princess

Why are there so many guys who are interested in me? 

I have had at least five maybe more guys ask me to go out with them since the new year, believe me its lovely but it is something I’m not used too. 

Men are usually intimidated by me or they say nothing at all but this time its different  I’m a woman now so that may be the case of it all haha

It’s snow out, very gracefully now and too think that I get to walk in it. 

I’m still not completely ready for my date haha that will happen within an hour. 

I feel like so many man are just blinded by beauty on the outside of a woman, many have yet to see what a woman looks like on the inside. After all the things I’ve learned as sextis as this sounds both men and woman can be filled completely with bullshit. I have met the same amount of woman as the same amount of men who look so beautiful on the outside but there souls are suffering from something that cannot be fixed unless they find it for themselves. 

I am going to be honest with you. I have never been the type of woman who hides beneath her beauty, in fact it was hard for me to find my true beauty on the inside. I always give to others even if I get nothing in return, I care so fucking much about everyone else that I had been blinded for the love of myself, but I found it now, I found that love. I feel that is what makes my soul so pure, because I love like no other, a woman born with two hearts. 

A woman either more human are very much less human then the rest, I honestly wouldn’t know. At points in time I dislike being human but at other points I also believe I am happy too be so but to have more power would be lovely. 

I have found myself reading Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet yesterday, I spoke the words allowed to myself, it was consuming, I very much put myself in each part, the words Romeo speaks of his Juliet are so touching. I’m pretty sure I almost cried.  

I don’t know what else to tell you. 

I know tonight will be quite an inspiring night. 


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