Senior Prom

All the girls
Wear long dresses
Mine is short
It seems
As if I’m
The odd one
We dance
And they stare
On the way to the party
I tell him
Lets be together
Lets be free
He can hardly look at me
“I don’t feel that way about you
Ya see”
Then he hugged me
Out of sympathy

Classy Dancing!

You know what I think would be 


slow dancing 


you heard me 

slow dancing 

slow dancing 

I know 

I am a big ass fucking romantic 

but that does not matter 

I haven’t slow danced with a guy 

since high school 

though I cannot dance 

anyone can slow dance 

the only kind of dancing I can do 

is slutty dancing 

but I no longer find that fun 

at all 

classy dancing is nice though

lets dance 

doo doo doo doo doo 

that’s a David Bowie song by the way 

gotta love that man 

alright I’m tried 

I’ll be back when I’m more inspired 




Let The Rain Fall

Do you hear that?

that is the sound of rain 

rain has many meanings 

its the tears of Mother nature

the rebirth 

the reborn 

the start of fresh grass 

and spring time 

it’s a time for new beginnings 

to let the past 

melt away 

in the face of the rain 

any fear 

any negative thought that has been

in your mind should fly away now 

any hatred that is being held onto 

any negative emotions and feelings and thoughts 

should leave your body with this rain 

you can cry with the rain 

you can yell with the rain 

you can confess to the rain 

sing with the rain 

let your body  and soul be refreshed 

take this time to think about what matters right now 

 what you can do differently 

who you can let into your heart

things you didn’t see before 

let yourself see them

things your didn’t hear before 

listen to them

listen to the thunder 

what does it mean?

what color are the clouds?

what is Mother Nature trying to tell you?

if your inside 

press your hand against the window 

do you feel her sadness?

try projecting your love to her 

say the words 

I love you 


and think of sunshine 

if shes too stubborn to stop crying 

tell her your secrets 

and if your brave enough like me 

get in your swimsuit and get out there 

you never know 

how amazing you will feel 

till after you bathe in the rain 
