Senior Prom

All the girls
Wear long dresses
Mine is short
It seems
As if I’m
The odd one
We dance
And they stare
On the way to the party
I tell him
Lets be together
Lets be free
He can hardly look at me
“I don’t feel that way about you
Ya see”
Then he hugged me
Out of sympathy

(intro/draft) Untitled Zombie Story

You think life is easy? well your dead wrong there and I mean it quite literally. If you think life is easy then you wouldn’t last a single day in my world. You know that whole zombie apocalypse tale? well for me it’s pretty damn true. 

I’m not the only living person either. There are plenty more but most of us have fallen into toxic goo of sorts and have gotten interesting features. I’m not talking cat ears or anything like that, I’m talking eyes of different colors and bright pink hair, stuff like that. It makes us an easy target for flesh eating zombies but what the hell, we can’t all be happy. We like to call ourselves The Misfits Clan, you know like the band? and then you just add clan hah 

We don’t have your usual “normal” human names either considering how mutated most of us are. You see that guy over there, no not him, not the purple one, sorry, yeah, that guy, in the green leather jacket, heart shaped face, two noses, an extra arm coming out of him… yeah, that’s Gus. He’s what we all like to call the cook. 

No, he doesn’t just cook regular human food, that shit is hard to find. He cooks.. yeah, you get the idea. Zombies. I mean what else are we suppose to live off of in this big ass wasteland? 

Yeah. I can fly. Big woop, but it’s more like falling and not flying since I have no idea how to move my damn wings. Oh you like my hair? well thanks.. I guess. It’s been hot pink like this since I was born and my cat like eyes have to thanks to the goo that was spilled all over my town over yonder there. No one goes there though, they say some beast lives there but I think it’s really some hidden government agency type of thing. You get the idea. 

Hey so everyone’s heading to camp, ya wanna come? if we come across a pack of zombies you can watch me beat the shit out of them. 

A Lovely Short Story

“Why does he love her if she doesn’t wear like any makeup?” Brittany asked her friends, who were all wearing enough makeup to cover their entire faces to their necks. 

“She’s fake duh!” remarked Natalie 

“Yeah and she’s also a bitch, I mean look at her she doesn’t eat a damn thing I bet she just barfs it up in the toilet” laughed Genevieve 

“Probably!” chimed the boys Justin and Sam in unison 

They giggled at her, her long brown hair nicely combed, looking like the waves of the ocean  after a tide, small ripples of curls, her fingers were curled around her book The Picture of Dorian Grey. She always seemed to have a book in her hands or a sketchbook in hand, she always sat by herself but today a boy had chosen to sit next to her. 

She sometimes wore her geeky glasses and sometimes wore skirts and dresses, always in style. That made Brittany and the girls angry with her. How could she be so comfortable being who she is? they found it completely disgusting. 

“I hate her” sneered Genevieve, “I want her to just die, I mean what a narcissistic bitch”  

She had always heard them saying such rude things about her and gossiping, yeah it hurt but it was their problem and not hers. She put the book down as she noticed someone at her table. 

“Hey” he said smiling at her. 

“umm Hi” she said back feeling shy. 

“I watch you here all the time, you read and you write and you create things” he stated sort of blushing 

She wanted to ask him why he did it? and why did he find her so interesting? but she shut her mouth and bit her lip instead. Unsure if how to respond to that she quieltly replied with a small.. “Thanks” and a slight smile. 

“What’s your name?” he questioned, baring a grin that seemed to bring a smile onto her own face. 

“Don’t laugh” she said “but it’s not really a common name, though I have met other girls who have it..” 

“Try me” he spoke gently still displaying that smile of his 

“Zaltu” she said tenderly “but people just call me Z” 

“Interesting” he said “So you were named after a goddess, a goddess of love and a goddess of strife?” 

“Yeah, pretty much” she replied with a giggle. “I guess it fits me though, I don’t think I’m actually human most of the time, just wait till you get to know me” 

“Oh.. Well I cant wait to get to know you better! how about I take you out Z? are you a coffee shop kind of girl or a explore the mall kind of girl?” he asked as he scooted closer to her. 

“Why not just coffee at the mall? then a nice stroll around the lake?” she spoke with a smile and a brilliant sparkle appeared in her precious eyes of paris green, her red lipstick brought out the green in her eyes, she pushed her hair back. 

“Alright sounds good, I’ll pick you up at 4:30” he grinned, clearly admiring her and it was quite obvious that he wanted her and not just everything connected to her. 

“What is your name?” she asked “I mean you know mine and you know about me so what’s your name?” 

“Roger” he said “I paint, write music, create things with my hands, read, camp, think more then I should and am a huge nerd” 

“Well it’s nice to meet you Roger, here’s my number and address for you” she handed him a piece of paper, it had a small doodle and the information he needed 

“How about I walk you to art class before I go to calculus?” he said sweetly 

“Well alright” 

They got up and made their way to the classroom, talking all the way about interests and characteristics they admired in each other, it was as if they could both feel the connection already . Such a beautiful thing. 

“I’ll call you later” he said as he gave her a hug 

“Okay, talk to you later” 

They parted ways, both not knowing that they would end up more entwined then a ball or yarn in the end of it all as the years would go by. 

Now that’s what a call quite a lovely story. 


People Fear What They Don’t Understand & Hate What They Can’t Conquer

Why do you wait for everyone?

I don’t wait for everyone.. 

Yes, you do .You wait for people to care, you wait for them to love you, you wait for things to go your way, you wait a whole fucking lot. People aren’t always going to care the way you want them to

So what if I wait for people to care and to love me? what is so wrong with that? I mean anything can happen so why not just let it?

You shouldn’t have to fucking wait for that, it should just happen. 

How the hell is it going to just happen? how many guys do you see lined up to love me for me and not my body? no one. Maybe I’m suppose to just be alone, I mean my puzzle pieces just don’t fit anywhere right now no matter how badly I want them to. 

It just is. It’s something you can’t control. I know you want that love hun, I know it looks like there really is no one here right now but he could be right around the corner, I keep telling you SOON and SOON whoever that man is suppose to be will be here for you. It may feel like your the only you in this world but he’s gonna see how special you are and he’s gonna give you that love, he’s gonna be braver and stronger then the rest of them. You’ll see. He will fill the cracks and you may not believe it but whoever he is he’s gonna stay no matter what happens. 

But why do I have to feel like it’s so out of reach for me? I see happy people everyday holding hands and kissing and just seeing that brilliance in each other, when do I get that? Will I ever get that? 

Because no one has shown you their courage and strength yet to be that for you. Some people feel you deserve more then what they feel they can give you. I honestly don’t know when you get that but he’s out there somewhere looking for you like you’ve been looking or him, maybe he’s just falling for all the wrong woman just like you’ve been falling for the wrong men. Oh, you’ll get it believe me. 

Well that’s sad. I wish more people would try instead of giving up on the spot, I mean I’m not that complicated of a person if you look deep enough. Yeah, I guess so but what’s taking him so damn long? I mean the big 2 Oh is gonna be here soon, I wanted to be with him at the age of 19 but he is no where to be found. 

Yeah it is sad.. people are stupid. No your not “complicated” but you are very different, like different different and your beliefs are quite like a hippie.. and some people get freaked out at your love for nature. I don’t know what’s taking him so long maybe he is just a fool like the rest of them and can’t find the right time to enter your life without making it too obvious of his admiration for you. 

So what? I am closer to nature then I am with humans, oh well, I might have been born human but my abilities are far from one. I guess that’s what scares them, I mean society doesn’t really like “different”  it’s always about money and fashion and makeup, people don’t see the nature part of it and how not just one belief can be true, I mean science doesn’t prove anything, it’s just an analyzation of what something is, logic is just numbers and what a person sees as “correct” .Too obvious? I know of no one who would do such a thing, I like it when it’s obvious though, I think a person is only a fool if they give up on loving someone, that’s why as tough as I am I just don’t give up on that. 

Yeah well, people are people. Society is society and everyone cares more about approval from what everyone else thinks then caring about what they actually think or know, we label things and forget the true meaning of what it actually is, it’s like there isn’t much of a heart anymore. Sometimes you have to give up, I know you hold on for dear life till you bleed, I still don’t understand why you do that, why do you put so much of your heart into people that don’t care? do you think it’s going to make them stay longer or love you? why do you do that Zoe?

Heartless, dishonest, dispassionate fools make up a lot of this planet. I know but a lot of the time I don’t want to, I carry so much hope that things will just “work out”. I put my heart into people that don’t care because I think that maybe one day they could care. I know I can’t change a person but a heartless person you can give love to. It can give them a change of heart or it can make them worse, when love comes from me it changes their hearts. They know it too, they can feel it when they fall in love with me and that’s why they leave.. and I let them leave. 

but you push them away to make them leave or they just leave..

I push them away because I don’t know if they are truly capable of caring for me.. I break easily on the inside on the outside I can fake a smile and act like everything is okay. It’s not easy being me. It never has been, I’ve been alone most of the time. Do you know how hard it is seeing dead people that you don’t even know? seeing their spirits while your alive trying to understand what they need your help for? and they pop up at the randomist of times at night? It’s fucking scary and some of them are not nice either, I still have that scar from being attacked by one. do you see how completely insane I sound? I can’t hear them either, I just see them. 

Incapable of loving you? how can you say something like that? I mean look at the people that do love you! they are so fucking lucky Zoe! and even the people that choose to just stay for the ride of your life, they are lucky too because they get a glimpse of how amazingly badass and awesome you are! Nothing good is ever easy and your soul is one of the most beautiful, the most pure, if people can see that then they are extremely lucky and blessed. Honey ever power that you have is a gift, no matter how scary or “insane” it may feel you are lucky to have this, so what people don’t look past what they think they already know? they don’t know the half of it!! I know it’s hard for you to keep feeling what these dead people have felt and seeing how they died. I don’t know why you were choosen to have more abilities then anyone, most people just have one, you’ve got more then that, almost six right? but that doesn’t make you an oddball or a freak it just makes you more powerful then any average human. 

Then why don’t people stick around to know all of that about me? and the deeper things?

People are scared of what they don’t understand. 

Then when is there going to be someone who isn’t afraid of me? 

When they try to step into your shoes and see what it could be like to be you, then if they aren’t afraid by then, they will grow to love and admire you for who you are

I’d like that 

I’m sure you would, I know all of us would, we would like to see you 100% happy with that feeling of love, just wait, it’ll happen when it happens and I’ll be here to see it all 

Thank you 

No, thank you for being you.