Modern Cinderella

Never loved by
Both parents
Always treated
Like a servant
Tears cried
For four years
Then again
Four more
An evil stepmother
Always one
After the other
“Take care of your sister”
“Shovel these rocks”
Always put down
And hearing things
A little girl
Not ought to
She idolized
James and his giant peach
And often wanted
To be like Joseph with his
Rainbow coat of dreams
She was made fun of
Since elementary school
Which is why she can’t spell
Very well
In high school
She was one of the boys
For a while until one of her
A betrayal
Of death threats and lies
All her guy friends now in college
She learned she could
Never fit in
“Odd” and “weird”
We’re names that fit her
Without most of her friends
She was always alone
From junior year
To a senior
Friends were outside of school
But they didn’t know
How bad she felt she had it
One abusive boyfriend
After the next
Bringing back
The depression
She had
As a kid
So this tomboy
Got thoughts in her head
Of how she would be saved
No more tears
No more crying
No more feeling like nothing
She dreamed of a fairytale
That meant something
A man who would
Be brave enough
To create one for her
A future
A fairytale all their own
Camping together each time
They could
Best friends
Who would become lovers
Move in together
Watch movies
Have sex till their
Love grew higher
A marriage purposal
A wedding in Ireland
Whoever he was
They would have fun
Then there first would come along
A red headed son
Named Sebastian
With a mind like a mechanic
Then another child
Some short years later
A baby girl
Alyce or Alice
Based on their records
Surely she will be a princess
Of sweetness and cherry pie
You see she dreamed
Of a family
With no more
Cracks and broken hinges
Like that she grew up in
Just more love then
You could imagine
Lots of
Gifts, kisses and hugs
That is no fairytale
You see
I know there is no prince
Who could possibly come after me
But I’d like some romance
I’d like it if no one
Would give up on me
I know I don’t have a fairy godmother
But I would
Really appreciate it
If I had more help
To conquer my fear
Just have someone stay
I don’t give a shit who
I’m just done being played
I don’t enjoy feeling
That way
You hear me stars?
Those up above?
I don’t want or need
A fairytale
I just desire
Real love

Once Upon a Fairytale (Poem)

Her love for love
Was unlike any other
The passion
That grew inside her
Buried itself
Deep inside
Her heart
Closing her windows
Locking her doors
Like never before
Which created
a garden
with walls
Much too high
Those walls would stay
till someone
very special
happened to say
His love is true
proving to be different
then any other man
that she knew
His eyes would look at her
As she were made of magic
or a mighty goddess of such
She would decide that there would
Be no more
For anyone
Though she knew it
To be true
Time is tricky
For such a him
To appear