Bliss, Maybe

I fall too quickly
It’s not easy
To catch me
I care too much
I’m not enough
You are strong
I’ve done
Nothing wrong
You like
The shortness
Of my hair
And the
We share
You’ll never
Love me
You’ll end up
Just like the rest
You will see
That I am
The best
My poems will
Save us
You’ll kiss me
It won’t cause
A fuss
You’ll realize
The fireworks
In our kisses
And someday
I’ll understand
What bliss is

Make You Happy

I am
Made of
From afar
But do you see it?
Could my universe
Be what
Is trying
To tell you
To look into?
This is a chance
Of a lifetime
Not a waste of time
Break the wall
Between us
Give me
I know
I make
Your heart
Beat faster
God brought us
So lets make the
Most of it
Loose the confusion
The compassion
Your meant
To be something
To me
Not an illusion
Or some kind of
You know as well as I
So please
Prove something to me
Don’t be shy
I know you’ve gained
Respect for me
But what I don’t think
You realize
Is that I
Hold the
And I could make you
If only
You’d let me

Burning Desire

He wants her
Even after
They fuck
He can’t
To stop
Her emerald eyes
Touched his soul
“I really
Like you..
You know”
He says
With a passionate kiss
He notices
The changes
In her
How she’s become
A woman
Like no other
He’s ever
Seen before
“I know what
I said before
But it
Doesn’t mean
Anything anymore
I choose you
If you will have me
My queen
I want you to be
My everything”

Your Promise (A poem)

I don’t think you know it 

or maybe you refuse to believe it 

but I still think it’s you 

“I hear you calling” 

that may not be about me 

but I siren I could be 

I did call for you 

and maybe you called for me too

but what’s the use if you can’t see a beautiful girl in front of you? 

I wont accept friendship

I feel too much toward you for that 

I would like us 

to just have another chance

what we’ve got 

doesn’t show up 

every decade 

but I wont make this your choice 

if only you could hear 

your daughters voice 

listen to her 

she is here

she is in your heart 

you just have to open up 

and give us one more go

I’m not like any of your ex girlfriends

hell I was hardly a girlfriend fo show 

your the one that ran away 

from me remember?

so don’t play the victim 

or I won’t forgive you 

You should have stayed 

instead of delaying your heart to me 


just picture me on my bed 

bleeding parts of my body 

my baby gone 

you broke my heart 

and she fell out of my oven

I don’t know why you chose to feel nothing

if it was there before

it’s here now

I can still feel you


will you keep your promise?

will you stay?

I want you to love me

each and everyday

just listen to your little girl

she is calling out to you

she can tell you

what to do

just open your heart, your ears

and hear

or this will all

just disappear

and I’ll never speak to you again

but I still cannot be your friend

or be your “thing”

your “whore”

whatever name you plan

to put on me

unless it’s girlfriend

then we shall see







Jealousy Will Drive You Mad

Well things are starting to come together 

got a lot 

a lot done today 

figured out

a bunch of things that need to be figured out 

I’ll be driving soon 

I can feel it 

I just need to stay focused and keep my head up 

why do I care so much about these two guys who don’t or might care about me?

I mean why can’t I just let go of my feelings for them?


I care more for T then I do for Z 

Z  has made it obvious that he doesn’t care 

T on the other hand 

he said he did 

but not enough to try again with me 

mother nature 

can you please 

give one of them the strength 

to just 

turn back?

I want that feeling 

the feeling that I have had with both of them

I don’t care who 

but it would mean a lot to me 

if I had someone 

to care for me like that again

I hate caring so much for someone who won’t return it back 

just make them both think 

give us a chance to start over 

and if not 

then oh well

if that’s not in the cards 

then I will find a way to move on 

even if it means 

hating them both

just don’t let me get hurt this time 

let us break 

when I’m ready 

unlike so many times before

I need this chance 

just this small chance 

at happiness 

with someone 

can you do that for me?

please don’t let me down


It Would Be So Different if We Could Just Give it Another Go-Round

So I guess 

I still have pretty big feelings for one bozo 

but its not the ex 

I’m just so confused at this whole thing 

he wont tell me 

why he leaves me hanging like this 

and he wont be a total asshole to me 

so that I can get over him..

what is wrong with starting over?


nothing is wrong with that 

so why not take a fucking chance?

rain is the start of something new 

we said so!!

so why not just try with me?

If your not going to be rude or mean or cruel to me 

so that I can get over you 

then fucking try with me 


just try with me 


I cannot continue to be left hanging like this 

I really like you 

I would never leave you hanging like this 

it’s not pleasant 

in fact 

it fucking hurts 

so please 

by all means 

treat me terribly

so that my stupid feelings

will go away!

but I don’t really want you to do that

I want you to come back

and not give up on me

you mad assumptions about me

you judged

before you had a chance to know me better

stop hiding things from me

and start showing me that you care please

I don’t like this

I’ve told you my feelings a million times

so why not act on them? huh?

you can’t not

like me anymore

otherwise you would have

treated me worse then you have now

I really wish you had

let me love you

I still wish you would let me

you have confused me so much

I mean you say you don’t like me

but part of me feels like you still do

you did when we were


we can’t be over now

please don’t let us be over now
