Make You Happy

I am
Made of
From afar
But do you see it?
Could my universe
Be what
Is trying
To tell you
To look into?
This is a chance
Of a lifetime
Not a waste of time
Break the wall
Between us
Give me
I know
I make
Your heart
Beat faster
God brought us
So lets make the
Most of it
Loose the confusion
The compassion
Your meant
To be something
To me
Not an illusion
Or some kind of
You know as well as I
So please
Prove something to me
Don’t be shy
I know you’ve gained
Respect for me
But what I don’t think
You realize
Is that I
Hold the
And I could make you
If only
You’d let me

The Daughter of Orion (short story)

She hadn’t been out in the rain in such a long time, walking home to her small cottage in the forest. 

It wasn’t much but it was home, she lived on a beautiful hill with a lake right outside her window, a few miles away were mountains. Such a glorious place to be. 

As the rain began to poor down on her more and more, becoming sheets of wetness, she made her way to the lake, all the while taking off piece of clothing after clothing. 

Her pale body practically glowed in the moonlight. Her long shoulder-length dark brown hair seemed to sparkle, her eyes did too, she was a beautiful sight to see with her small breasts and well shaven’d pubic hair. 

As usual she sang her song;

Born of 

Water and fire 

Eyes of 

Green and grey 

More then one heart 


I always stay 

Loving everyone 

Who comes my way 

Though I’m different 

then the rest of you 


will be okay 

I don’t need a man

but this want 

shall not leave 

if only 

one of them 

was strong enough 

to believe 

She swam on her back and looked up at the stars, her constellation was out tonight, Orion’s belt, the same set of three stars that lay on her upper left shoulder on her back, which proved she was a goddess and not like most humans. 

But no man would believe her to be a goddess, her hearts had been broken so many times that she just felt that no man could ever see such true beauty within her nor on the outside of her. She didn’t really care, falling in love wasn’t really her priority, but in a few ways she still wanted it. 

Romance lived in her veins wither she liked it or not. She only wrote stories to keep it flowing within her or maybe each was just a spell to bring whoever he may be closer to her, like a call or sorts. She didn’t know. 

As she swam in her lake, the sky full of stars seemed to be swept away by the sunrise, it was like the lights in the sky were carefully painted with a watercolor brush one by one, such a sight to see. 

You could hear the birds and their calls to each other, singing their cheerful songs. She used to think they were annoying but they just sounded very pretty, it made her feel at home.

She splashed her way out of the water, being as ungraceful as she could be, the woman had never been able to walk in a straight line, or go up stairs without falling up or down them once and a while. Some people would find that kind of clumsiness attractive. 

She got right up to her front porch and opened the door gently, still her body was exposed, clothes in hand. 

She threw her clothes in the small hamper on the floor. Being alone was never considered “bad” to her, though she had had her share of stalkers in the past. She would spend time with friends when she truly wanted too and when it was completely necessary but living in a secluded place such as her cottage was lovely. 

Her hair was starting to dry now, she pushed it away from her face then she slipped on her favorite cream colored sweater, put on the kettle and had her favorite chai tea. 

Her mind always wandered when she was this peaceful. The thoughts were often past happy memories, times where she felt her happiest, the looks on certain faces, when she did love, so many things that filled her with hope. 

Suddenly the kettle started to whistle, she ran over to turn the burner off and poured herself her cup of tea. It was never entirely hot with her old kettle but it tasted just as good anyway. 

As she sipped her tea, she felt as if she was waiting for something. But what? her gut was telling her it was going to be something big and something dastardly wonderful. But she would have to wait for it

Whenever she felt like she was waiting like this it often happened much sooner then expected.

She gazed at her phone, then outside her window. She sat in her tiny kitchen, on painted white oak carved chairs her friend had made for her, with it came a tiny circle table which her tea sat nicely upon. 

She was tired but she wouldn’t let her eyes close. She finished her tea, left her phone where it was and went to bed. 

Her phone rang more then once and there he was. He left a few messages bringing good news knowing that in the morning she would call him back. 

It was destiny, fate, the universes doing, you name it. 

It was just meant to be and this moment proved it. 










The Ugly Duckling From Outer Space Makes A LEGO House

If I asked you 

“Do you think I’m beautiful?” 

what would you say?

would you say 

“Your pretty but there are other people prettier then you” ? 

would you say 

“Your alright” ? 

would you compare me to a summer day? 

or stars in the night? 

would you call me average? 

or would you say nothing at all? 

People see what they think is beautiful 

we all just see what we want 

but some of us can look past that 

for instance 

I believe everyone is beautiful in their own way 

my family never taught me that 

a lot of what I know 

I found out myself 

I’ve had negative 

and positive views on my looks

and I’ve been called fake before

but everything that anyone else has ever said to me

about my own beauty is just an opinion

and sometimes it’s a lie

 to be honest 

it takes a lot 

for my ears to believe what is said 

I’m not entirely sure why that is 

I’ve never really felt home 


and I’m pretty sure I’ve told you all enough 

about that 

my hearts been broken 

many times 


I’m not sure if I want it to be broken again 

but that’s a risk I’m going to take 

I’ve sort of lost sight of the image of someone ever really 

loving me 

I know that’s probably not the best thing 

and I do have some hope, I never could live without hope 

even just a little bit 

nothings ever like the movies 

and nothings ever like it seems 

or how it’s suppose to be

you know 

and I can say I’m pretty 

or I’m ugly 

but your just going to 

judge me like everyone else 

or make up some illusion that I’m perfect 

when I’m just searching for a place to find home 

or a person who knows how lucky they are just to hold me and accept me for who I am 

it’s not easy being me at all

it’s been really hard 

I’ve cried a lot 

and I’ve laughed a lot 

and I’ve felt things and done things 

I never thought possible 

but somehow there is still that something missing 

there’s  that place in my heart that still hurts 

and I’m not sure if it will ever leave me 

it’s not from some dumbass who broke my heart 

its much more then that 

and believe me 

I welcome you with open arms 

but I don’t expect you to stay 

not for me 

leave when you want 

do what you want 

I’m just looking for my place 

before I have to leave it 



Untitled Story In The Woods

“Why do you use poetry to speak and words to seduce?” he asked her puzzled by the sad look in her eyes, she wasn’t like the others, she revealed too much from the center of her heart and her universe and sang only when truly happy other then that she kept her mouth shut and he eyes wide open which made him see her differently then just a girl. 

“I speak of the wind and the trees and what is in front of me but my heart is very hard to find” she answered with a sly smile. Her hair was never put up, it lay across her bare chest and body, she never wore clothes and found herself wandering in the woods more then the city. 

“If I ask you what you are will you answer honestly?” he spoke as he began to get closer to her, she wasn’t used to closeness or people.. she spent her time wandering for someone or something that would love her, being born from the earth.. mother nature can’t exactly give hugs or kisses, you don’t believe in a god or talk of t.v shows and music, negativity makes your body sick even though your heart carry’s sadness. 

She nodded her head as if to tell him but not really. Then she took a deep breath and made some odd gestures with her hands, the sky above turned purple and the clouds went grey, it began to rain. Her long hair became darker, tears ran down her cheeks, ocean tears.. then she spoke in a sing-song voice..

“I am the water, the air and the trees, I am not the earth and I am not fully human, I was born with two hearts and not one, I feel everything and see what cannot be seen, my body is made of the ocean and only as beautiful as others see it. My brain is from a different time and my eyes create life in front of me. I am spirit and I am soul, I speak the truth in everything, I heal humans and I break them, my voice can be heard from miles away” 

As she said this, the rain began to stop and nothing but droplets were left on her pale skin, flowers grew around her and butterflies surrounded them. It was like a dream he had wandered into. 

She wasn’t finished yet. 

“I am the granddaughter of the moon and the sun, humans cannot understand me my voice is too ancient or them to hear. I am the only daughter of Mother Nature, born of fire and water, love and fear, you name it and that is what I am, I am the child of the light. Darkness is my enemy, the demons scare me..that is all I can tell you” 

He didn’t know what to say. He felt as if he was talking to an angel or a goddess and she seemed to reveal that much. He felt a fool for asking when for some reason deep inside he had already known.. 

“You try to hard you know..”

“Why do say that?” she asked. 

“you shouldn’t have to worry about those other humans.. I think your too good for them”

“Then why are you here?” she asked him as she put one hand into the freshwater lake. 

He couldn’t figure out how to answer that. Where to start? how to say it? he scratched his head pretty hard on this one. He couldn’t say “I don’t know” that would ust make him sound like he didn’t care about her.. that’s it..

“I’m here because I care about you and I’ve been searching just as you have for someone to stay and understand” he said honestly. 

“Your not going to stay though..” she bit her bottom lip, “Your going to end up leaving like everyone else has or falling for a pixie..” 

He felt like laughing.. “A pixie? Nahhh, a pixie isn’t as cool as you, daughter of Mother Nature” 

She found herself blushing “She’s my father too” she responded. 

They laughed until they cried. They cried until they kissed and then they drifted off to sleep.