Traffic Lights

The most
Of hearts
Are always those
That are
Most shattered
The humans
Work the hardest
Often get
Beaten and battered
Used like
Traffic lights
Their greatness flickers
On and off
Only you can see it
If you choose
And with it
More love
And affection
Then you could
Ever imagine
You will be showered
With kisses
And many more
All that you
Must do
Is care
And respect
She doesn’t
For any more
Then that

Analyzing Joyful Memory’s

I don’t know what it is about today 

but for some reason 

the majority of my music 

reminds me of memory’s 

the good kind of memory’s 

the ones I can easily miss 

and wish that they could 

just repeat themselves over and over again

It’s also been making me think of people 

those that have dumped me 

and friends in far away places 

who I can’t talk to as much as I used to 

because of the time difference 

Mainly people 

I used to care about 

and one person who I do still care about 

but clearly in a friend way 

it used to be love 

but it’s not that kind of love anymore 

it’s like my mind is analyzing my joyful memory’s 

I guess 

I’ve been through so much shit lately 

I guess it’s a good thing I’m reminiscing 

but it all feels sorta sad I suppose

I wish someone would love me 

still I know 

no one will ever love me how I want them too

I’ve been hearing that male voice again

the one that says he loves me 

and I still get that warm feeling of being held 

again almost every night 

I don’t know who the fuck it is 

but it’s back

and whatever this connection is 

it’s much stronger then before 

it’s like 

whoever this guy is 

he wants me more then he did before 

does that make sense?

but it’s not in a lustful way 

no sir! 

it’s some sort of caring way 


bigger then a crush

but with no lust 

and more love 

I guess 

it’s hard to explain 

it’s not an ex 

I know that for sure 

and it’s not anyone who I have met recently 

because that would be ridiculous 

since most of them are assholes 

but I’m sure I’ll find out when I find out 

So fella’s 

I’d just like to point out 

if your gonna be a dick 

and only want woman for sex 

your fucking stupid as hell

I mean this with all of my heart 


we may believe your non-meaningful 

kind words 

to get into our pants 

but once we find out 

and you leave 

lickity split 

it’s obvious you are an unintelligent asshole 

and do not deserve us in the first place

and believe me 

we will be pleased when your gone 

because if the beautiful woman 

is anything like me 

if she speaks every fucking word 

with meaning 

and shares her words 

and uses REAL

kind words 


you can be sure that 

you will never be let in 

to her trust zone ever again

I am done making that mistake 

of wasting time on people 

who just want to use me 

or they don’t even care 

I’m so completely done with that 

why else do you think I blocked most of them on Facebook? 

and deleted them from my phone and life! 

I only am close friends 

to humans who have amazing hearts 

and treat others with respect 

no matter how 


people think they are 

to me they are everything that I need 

and I will fight for them 

for as long as I live 

and care about them too

There is nothing you can do 

to take such beautiful people from me 

and I’m not even gonna let anyone try 





Planet Earth

You think it’s easy being pretty?

wait wait wait wait wait 


do you hear yourself? 

there are no ugly people in this world 

do not put yourself in that kind of place girl 

it’s the heart and soul that are as beautiful as you make them 

I, myself, have a pure heart 

that’s why I’ve gotten hurt 

so much 

when you see beauty 

in everyone 

and everything 

it’s easy to be blinded 

but only fools 

hurt those who love most 

that’s why

all assholes will

end up alone 

so you wanna know 

what this “pretty face” 

has been through? 



complete happiness 

utter chaos 

woman like me 

are easily notices 

but humans 

are stupid 

and quick to judge 

they put a stereotype on you 

before you 

can budge 

or they will say something 

to put you down 

because that’s all they know how 

when jealousy kicks in 

each human 

has something to learn 

otherwise we would all

crash and burn 

I’m telling you this 

because I know you’re smart 

and I know 

that you don’t need 

someone else to complete you 

you just need 

to love yourself 

humans think they know everything 

yet they know 

nothing about life 

I learn from others 

when I learn about others 

to just get their perspective 

or story 

I often show empathy 

but there is one thing 

I never 

let anyone 





The Story of The Goddess

“My deary-oh’s, my darlings, have I ever told you the story of the goddess?” said Aunt Starlight cheerfully with a smile on her face of wrinkles. 

“No you haven’t” my cousins and I replied together as we sat across from her in her rocker. 

“Well.. how about I tell it now!” she spoke with such excitement her rocking chair almost fell too far behind her bum. 

We all cheered as she began to tell her story 

“The goddess my children was born a human, just like you and I my dears, she had hair that was sort of like the bark of a tree but once it hit the light it shone of a beautiful red. Her skin was far paler then an usual human, you could see her veins through her wrists quite often, her ears were small, her nose pointed downwards, her lips the color of a beautiful pink rose, like the kind that grow out in my garden in the spring time” Aunt Starlight went on 

“What about her voice?” asked my ginger haired cousin Harry 

“Yes, and what of her eyes Aunt Starlight?” asked my younger cousin Emily 

“Harry my dear her voice was far enchanting then anything you could ever hear in your life, the melody of it when she sang was enough to make a blind man fall in love with her or maybe even an entire town. Her eye’s, Emily, to be quite honest I couldn’t say, they changed so much with her but I believe they chose to stay green, not just any green, I mind you but the green of the leaves as the sun goes down

Now when she was born, her mother was very thrilled but her father, he knew she was going to be different from the start, so naturally in his heart he could not accept her. 

At the age of two the goddess went through a very traumatic event, her heart my lovely’s, had a hole deep within it and she could have very well been dead within a few years had she not gotten it fixed. 

By the age of five the goddesses powers or gifts whichever you choose began to show themselves. She could see and hear spirits, often feeling trapped between worlds. She could feel emotions and energy of those around her, which made her even more sensitive to negativity then anything else. She could speak with animals, not like they do in the movies you kids see today but she could sense and feel and understand how they speak no matter what species. In the night she would have dreams of the people around her and their futures. 

Before you knew it by the age of twenty she was a warrior, she could battle evil spirits, converse with demons, the woman had power beyond any mortal, yet she still struggled to stay sane. To her it seemed as if no man would ever be brave enough or strong enough to hold her when she needed it most. 

Her emotions would be high when she was happy but extremely low when sadness would take her. She tried to kill herself more then once because of the temptation the spirits around her would give. She would soon be able to predict deaths from a celebrity’s to her very own great grandmother” 

“Did humans in the villages nearby like her Aunty?” little Emily asked with astonishment on her face. 

“Oh, well, honey, you see, the people in the village found her to be quite strange or odd, she had very few real friends who loved her, other people would be frazzled or even scared of her” 

“But why? that’s not fair” little Emily cried, she gazed up at Aunt Starlight, then stopped crying when a small smile appeared on the old lady’s face. 

“No, your right it isn’t fair. Well my dear there are some people who find themselves to be afraid of true beauty in this world especially of those who have a pure heart on the inside and a face of happiness and beauty on the outside. Some people may not understand you or I, some people may understand her. So naturally they find the only thing they can do is to criticize the young woman, make her feel less of who she is, no matter what part of her that they talk shit of ,excuse me. 

She always loved more then any other human, that is why her birth parents were shocked when they saw both of her hearts when she got her surgery done but they could not remove them so instead they kept one in her chest and put the other on her sleeve. 

The goddess would always find herself by a body of water when she could or even a place with wide open sky in the night time. A few days after her twenty first birthday she found herself by an ocean filled with sea glass. She never wore any clothes so would often find herself bathing in natures water.

This my loves is the day that she met her mother, Mother Nature, the creator of her and the birther of her abilities.  The goddess was just singing a merry tune in the moonlight when a woman appeared out of the water..”

“It’s Mother Nature! The Lady of The Lake!” we all sqeeled with excitement. 

“Hush now! hush!” she stammered, “I’m telling the story here” 

“‘Who are you?” asked the goddess, her brown hair flowing ever so gently in the water, shimmering greatly in the moonlight. 

“I am Mother Nature” spoke the woman,

She wore a flower headdress, with the rarest kind of flower topped on either side, in her hair even, her skin was the color of moss only it sparkled greatly as if metallic, her eyes looked just like the earth through a telescope,  you could see the entire world, instead of pubic hair on her lady parts there was a single sun flower, her breasts were large and bare, quite the opposite of our goddesses. 

“I know who you are” replied the goddess with a childish attitude, “You are the only one who has been here for me when I needed someone most” 

“I am” replied Mother Nature, her voice becoming a low echo of the sweetest kind 

“Why show yourself to me now?” the goddess asked, standing up in the water, as a small wave brushed against the nipples of her breasts. 

“You are my daughter, made of flesh and blood, I created you to be far more powerful then the rest, you are special my daughter” 

“Then why must I be tortured so? why have you made me this strong so as no one is strong enough to love me as I can love them? my earth father thinks I’m but a curse to his normal life with my gifts you have given me, my creative abilities too are put down just as much, the villagers laugh at me, why must you wait till now to tell me I am not human?” emotion sprang up in the goddesses voice of melody, you could hear the pain quite obviously in her questions. 

“You are not ready to live with the other gods and goddesses, I made you to help others, I made you to be far different then anyone else” 

“But what of love mothers? what of that? that is the only dream which I desire!” the goddess raised her voice in anger, practically shouting at her own mother. 

“I knew you were too much like your sister, I knew it” Mother Nature said with disappointment

“My sister?” the goddess asked in shock

“Yes, the littlest mermaid, she died for the sake of love and you my dear may be better off just as she if you choose your fate like her” 

“I make my own destiny” spoke the goddess with confidence. 

“You break your own heart” sneered Mother Nature 

“Give me my wings mother, I am tired of the human world”  the goddess demanded 

And with that, the goddess never saw her mother again, but instead, heard her in her every day thoughts, she lived on, yes she did but her story will never be finished but I will let you decide how it ended” 

“That’s it? it’s over?” one of my cousins asked 

“Nooooo, tell another one please!” we shouted in unison 

“I’m sorry children but it looks like its past your bed time, you best get up to bed” Aunt Starlight said in a lullabyish way, making the majority of us tired, so like any kid, we all went to sleep. 

Dream well all, have one hell of a night. 


I’m On My Way From Misery To Happiness Today

You ever notice that whenever someone

“leaves” or “walks out” of your life 

it’s almost like they died?

it hurts that much 

and since you stop talking to them for a large amount of time 

it’s starts feeling like it almost is real

that they may not be dead in real life 

or in your heart 

but your life becomes empty without them

until they realize 

what they are missing 

then they come back 

and admit that they fucked up 

but you soon realize 

life is better without them

or you welcome them back into your life with open arms 

I haven’t had coffee in a long time 

this is the first time in a really long time 

I’d almost forgotten the taste 

I love coffee and I love tea 

both can make you live longer 

laughing can make you live longer 

I haven’t had a real laugh in a long time 

but everything is going to be okay 

and sooner then later 

I’ll be smiling again 

I’ll be driving 

I’ll be packing 

I’ll be working 


I’ll be learning 

then someday 

I’ll be going to Ireland

and Paris 

and The U.K 

I’ll meet people 

and experience grand things 

and see so much 

maybe I’m not entirely meant 

to fall in love yet 

maybe my Irish man or English man 

is with all the wrong woman 

maybe he’s learning just as I am 

and not many people know of his guitar skills 

and the way he draws 

maybe he isn’t famous but one day he will be 

and we’ll meet on the red carpet somewhere 

or at one of my art shows 

I know one day I’ll go to New York City 

so maybe he’s there 

it’s all just right around the corner

and people that have made themselves 

dead in my life 

will miss out on my success 

it’s just the way things are meant to be 


This Is How An Angel Cry’s

You know what one thing is always in the mind of a human being? 

“Want” we all want something all of the time 

Want means the same as desire

There is not one soul on this planet that doesn’t desire something or someone to be their’s 

to belong to them 

this world is greedy, we make more and more and hurt mother nature

we also hurt each other in the process 

someone always has to have more power 

more of something useless that just doesn’t need to be on this earth

whatever object that is “wanted” “needed” & “desired” that was made in a factory does nothing for the earth

honestly it pains me how stupid humans can be 

we have seen what we do to mother natures living creatures 

dumping our toxic waste and just waste all together 

we kill things with guns and abuse innocent things 

is that really in our nature? 

Weren’t we once just innocent creatures ourselves?

born from a mother fertilized by a father 

we love whom we love, luckily now in places we can merry whomever we are in love with

if you think about it we were once just naked innocent baby’s opening our eyes to the new world a head 

now its just a quest for power, reputation and other useless things that just support our human ego 

not our spirit deep inside. 

I’ll admit I’m filled with pain just like the rest of you and I am gradually healing but it really makes me sad to think of all these wonderful people on the earth destroying what we’ve got 

I feel so much for mother nature, I know that pain, I can feel for other people too not just nature.

tree’s are being cut down viciously 

animals are swimming into oil spills, being abused by the people who have taken responsibility of them, being shot.. I could go on and on

is that really a way to live? 

I mean they live on this earth too, this planet and look what we are doing to our own kind 

to the fool that created species, I say no, I say who gives a fuck what category we are in, we are all animals. 



I’m Wide Awake

Have you ever wondered what its like to be a animal?

Although I consider us humans animals, we were years ago, like when we were cavemen.  I still think humans are animals and anmials are people too.

Why do you think people lie?

They want attention, there are so many possibility’s and to lie to someone is just really messed up, we put ourselves out there so that we can be trusted and having that trust be questioned is just not, right, its actually quite sad.

You know I noticed the sky today, it was green and purpleish, so beautiful and it made me wonder “Is he looking at the same sky I am?” whomever my next boyfriend will be? is he? does he look at the sky like I do?

It just brings so many questions to my mind. I haven’t thought of anything like that in a while and been inspired in anyway. I know I’ll meet him at some point, sooner or later, hopefully around the 27th.

So I’m really into Astrology, I’m a Scorpio and  so thankful to be. But yeah.

I’m sorry, you guys are just reading my thoughts at the moment, if that means anything to you I don’t know. I keep saying a lot of the same things and I honestly am speaking from the heart.

I haven’t been able to sleep at a decent time really, Since my mom told me what his mom said, I’m not obsessing over this its just running through my head, I’ve seen pictures of the guy and I’ve met him when I was much much much younger  but that is the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.. god I hope he isn’t reading this..

” She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen”

” Hey Mom, you should have her stop by the house sometime”

Isn’t that the cutest?  I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything like that, although I didn’t here it my mom told me it and his mom told my mom but so? I mean I’ll meet him right? this can’t just be a one time thing. I gotta meet this guy. Please.

Oh so I don’t know about you guys but have you guys heard the new song “I’m Wide Awake” by Katy Perry?

Well I think its her best song ever, like ever, her lyrics are deeper then they have ever been, she more Katy Perry then she’s ever been before, I’m so proud of her!!

The end.