Heavens Door

Take me away
From the living
Let me walk among the dead
I want to be done with hope
With love
With fear
Today I wasn’t
Good enough
For anybody
I made two mistakes
Got yelled at for one
And can’t sleep
From words I heard
For the other
Let me drown
In the deepest of seas
No one
Come after me
I still want my wings
More then anything
God you know
I don’t belong here
I don’t fit in
You know I’ve got
No home to live in
I’m too different and you know it
No ones willing to understand
Just take me home
Let me hold your hand
Please I beg you
I’m on my knees
You’ve heard me plead
Just like this before
Now kill me
And bring me to heavens door

The Rarest Goddess Of All

How do
You live
In a world
Of reality
When imagination
Is breathing
Deeply down
Your neck?
Artists everyday
Are being
Because they
Know more
About the world
Then the rest
Of the gang.
We make
Our lives harder
To show
How strong
We are
Insult is
What we get
When we’re
Not perfect
At all
It’s taken me
Twenty years
To become
My true self
And love
Who I am
On the inside and out
Like I want
Others to love me
So shut your mouth
If your inclined
To insult someone
For their
No one
Will ever
Not all questions
Can be answered
Even from
The universe
So sit tight
Try to avoid the fight
And give out your love
To everyone
And those above
Is worth

Life’s For The Living So Live it!

You know what I don’t understand?

I’m not alone 

but I feel like I am quite often 

I’m not sure why that is 

and for the first time in my life 

I’ve let go of so many things from my past 

it’s liberating and tiring all at the same time 

I still have homework to do 

and I’m stressed beyond belief

I’d really like to just snuggle up in someones arms

and sleep

it’s been such a long time

since someone who actually cared about me

held me in their arms

now I’m not a needy person I swear

but I like intimacy

and affection

I love knowing how absolutely appreciated I am

even if it’s just the two of us laughing

like with my new friends in college  

just their smile can bring me happiness 

Yes, I am the girl 

who’s daddy was never proud of her

who left her in the dark about events 

who could not show his love 

I’m slightly still that girl 

so of course I would search for acceptance 

and love in other places 

places that I probably shouldn’t have looked 

when all along 

all I had to do was look into myself 

and love myself for who I am 

you don’t have to go searching for love 

you may think you do 

but baby you really don’t 

it’s here all along 

inside you 

it’s taken me almost twenty years to figure that out 

so tell the haters to go fuck themselves 

you are amazing, beautiful,charming,intelligent, 

don’t let anyone tell you any different 

you deserve to love yourself 

you can love yourself 

you may struggle 

but you are strong 

please smile for me 

please laugh 

spend time with people who care about you 

now I know we don’t know each other personally 


maybe we do 

but I don’t know that 

only you do 

so I don’t care who you are 

I care about you 

know you are loved 

if not by many 

then by one 

and that means a whole fucking lot 

I thank you so much for your support 

no matter how long you have been with my blog 

or in my life 

thank you 

lets be friends 

now I know I may bitch sometimes 

and say sorry for things I probably didn’t do

i don’t give a shit about 

what “flaws” you think you have 

or what “sins” (haha)

(I don’t believe in that word)

I love everyone! 

all of you! 

you hear! 

now so what if my love life has been crap

up until now I think.. 

things happen to happen

and if I can get over my past 

and easily move the fuck on from a fucking asshole 

who didn’t deserve me in the first place 

then you honey 

can love yourself 

and not accept “stereotypes” or “labels”

stick up for yourself 

do whatever the hell you want 

make memory’s to remember 

never give up

smile til your face hurts 

laugh so hard you pee in your pants 

take chances 

kiss someone new 

write on your walls 

sing so loud the neighbors hear 

masturbate as much as you want 

treasure your moments 

and I 

will always be here for you 





A bird may love a fish, signore, but where will they live?

Lately many quotes have been popping into my head, such as-

“Why do I fall in love with every woman I see who shows me the least bit of attention?” from Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless mind..

“A bird may love a fish, signore, but where will they live?” from Ever After..

” Waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought. Useless and disappointing.” From a Cinderella Story..

Yes, I am aware that these are all from so called “chick flicks” but still, I mean I feel like I can relate to these sort of things, especially the first one, only turn the word woman into men, because sometimes that is how I feel. 

but doesn’t everyone feel that way? I mean at one point in their lives?

I mean I’ve learned not to expect anything from anyone and if I like someone I’ll have them do all of the work to get to know me, since, in the past it hasn’t really worked out when I start it considering a girl like me can tell when he’s “just not that into you” that kind of thing. 

I wish I could just know who’s going to be in my future. you know? 

just a small glance. 

its all I ask and I honestly don’t ask for much.

I don’t. 

I give more then I take, I’ll admit I can be selfish, anyone can be selfish. Its just a part of being human. 

But is being human enough? is it enough for any of us?

I’ve always wanted to be more then human, like a mermaid or to just have a pair of wings. 

To feel more important, since I know I’m different then everyone else. Maybe not by much but I know I’m my own self and no one else can ever be like me. 

If that makes any sense at all. 

if I make any sense at all.

which hopefully I do.

I have this deep love for the sea.. 

the ocean.. 

the rain..

you name it. 

I love water. I love the feeling of the rain, when it pours all over me, its so refreshing and its like the world around me just goes away. 

Sometimes I do funny things like splash in the puddles as if I was a child dancing in the rain. 


The rain

it will 

put you 

in a 

picture frame 

covering your body 

releasing the pain

as your eyes close

you’ll see

there is no difference 

between you and me